Cubby’s is a popular spot for travelers because of our convenient locations and wide selections of meals, snacks, and amenities.
According to the Nebraska State Patrol, the peak for deer-related crashes occurs during mating season, which runs through mid-December. This poses a particular danger during deer hunting season.

Cubby’s would like to share some safety reminders with everyone traveling over the next few weeks:
- Be extra vigilant when traveling at dusk when deer are most active.
- Mind your speed, especially in areas with high wildlife populations, and use your headlights.
- Look for glowing eyes along the side of the road.
- Honk your horn to alert the deer and other drivers.
- Do not swerve to avoid a deer. Instead, stay the course and reduce your speed.
- Come to a hard, controlled stop.
- Report a collision to law enforcement.
If you find yourself in an unfortunate collision with a deer, look for the closest Cubby’s location to regroup, get a warm meal and hot cup of coffee, and take a break. We are here to help!